

A Primary Exploration of the No-child Mentality of Chen Zi,a Tutor of an Old-type Private School in a Village South of the Yangtze River During the Mid-Qing Dynasty
摘要 陈梓乃清中叶江南地区乡村塾师与底层士人的典型代表。二子夭折所形成的无儿状态致使其终生拥有一种特殊的无儿心理。这种无儿心理在情绪上表现为痛苦与绝望;在观念上表现为"尽人事以待天命";在心理行为上表现为艳羡他人子孙满堂及梦儿与梦生儿。陈梓的无儿心理所导致的悲剧人生是国家意识形态、社会风气习俗与亲朋好友的言论共同影响的结果。以陈梓为个案,研究他的无儿心理,深化了我们对于历史上小人物心理世界的探讨,可以看做是此类问题研究方法的一种尝试。 Chen Zi is a typical example of the tutors of old-type private schools and lower-class people in villages south of the Yangtze River during the mid-Qing dynasty. He had been in a special no-child mentality throughout his life since his two sons died young. This kind of no-child mentality is emotionally characterized by pain and despair, conceptually by the traditional concept of "Doing your best and leaving all else to God" and psychologically by envying those who have many sons and grandsons and dreaming of having sons of their own. Chen's tragic life caused by his no-child mentality is the result of the combined impact of national ideology, social customs as well as the speech of his friends and relatives. This article studies Chen's no-child mentality by taking him as an example, which may help deepen the exploration of the psychological world of small potatoes in history. This study can be seen as an attempt of this kind of research methods.
作者 蒋威 侯林
出处 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2017年第2期55-61,共7页 Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
基金 2015年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(15YJCZH072)"清代江南乡村塾师与地方社会" 2013年度国家社科基金项目(13CZS018)"明代科考配额体系研究"的阶段成果
关键词 清代 江南 乡村塾师 后嗣 Qing Dynasty Regions South of the Yangtze River Tutors of Old-type Private Schools in Villages Descendants
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