

Reliability analysis of locomotive main transformer winding based on vibration mode
摘要 为进一步完善列车安全状况监测及故障预警技术研究,针对绕组轴向失稳现象提出一种基于绕组轴向振动模态的研究方法。该方法利用机车主变压器单铁芯柱绕组的轴向动态结构模型和绕组轴向电磁力与振动加速度的关系,通过提取和衡量变压器绕组振动加速度信号中周期信号幅值变化情况,研究绕组预紧力变化对其振动加速度的影响。通过ANSYS建立HXD1C型机车主变压器的三维动态模型,以油箱壁平板结构上靠近对应机车主变压器绕组中心点的油箱正面和背面对称位置作为机车主变压器油箱振动信号监测点,验证机车主变压器绕组压紧力的状况可以通过绕组振动加速度频率和幅值的变化来监测。 In order to further optimize the research on safety status monitoring and failure early warning technology for railway train, the paper proposed a research method based on axial vibration mode to detect the phenomenon of winding axial instability. Based on the axial dynamic structural model of locomotive main transformer winding single leg as well as the relationship between winding axial electromagnetic force and vibration acceleration, the paper studied how does the winding clamping force impact on the winding vibration acceleration by extracting and measuring the changes of cycle signal amplitude in transformer winding vibration acceleration signal. In the verification experiments, the paper established a 3D dynamic model of HXD1C main transformer by ANSYS, chose the position of tank5s front and rear corresponding to winding center point as vibration signal monitoring point, and finally proved that the main transformer winding clamping force status can be monitored by the frequency and amplitude of winding vibration acceleration.
出处 《铁道科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期626-634,共9页 Journal of Railway Science and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61603062)
关键词 机车主变压器 绕组失稳 轴向振动模态 振动加速度 有限元模型 locomotive main transformer winding instability axial vibration mode vibration acceleration ANSYS model
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