
两岸协同培养特教师资模式解析——岭南师范学院特殊教育师资培育历程 被引量:2

A Collaborative Teacher Education Model for Special Education Teacher Across the Taiwan Straits:The Experience of Lingnan Normal University
摘要 在台湾,要成为合格的特殊教育教师,须修足40学分,完成教育实习,并通过特殊教育类教师资格检定考试。目前台湾有13个特殊教育学系,是特教师资的主要来源。大陆经济起飞、教育普及,为落实《特殊教育提升计划》,在特殊教育建设上加强投资,正当其时。岭南师院以"粤台教师教育协同创新发展中心"平台为依托,全面开展特殊教育学科专业建设、课程教师聘任、教师培训、协同培养特殊教育专业人才。符应当地社会的需要,扣紧世界的脉动,发挥高起点、高动力、高视野的三高特色,建立"现代人—大学生—特教人"三连贯卓越师培制度,培养多元专长、理论与实务兼顾的中小学特教教师。 In Taiwan,to be a qualified special education teacher,it is required to take courses in education for at least 40credit-hours prior to a half-year educational practicum and passing through the qualification examination.Currently,there are 13 universities in Taiwan setting up the Departments of Special Education for cultivating perspective special education teachers.It is believed that a special education teacher must be specially trained with high quality.In China's Mainland,a"Promotion Plan for Special Education"(2014-2016)has been designed and implemented.Lingnan Normal University has developed comprehensive teacher education programs in special education since 2012.The"Guangdong-Taiwan Cooperative and Innovative Development Center for Teacher Education"and serves as a platform to carry out various collaborative teacher education programs for special education teacher across the Taiwan Straits,focusing on special education curriculum design,recruiting special education experts with a doctoral degree,empowering teaching staff,and implementing a half-year study-in-Taiwan project(so called"3.5+0.5"project).Based on Taiwan’s experience,local needs,and international trends,it is suggested to set up a well-organized teacher education program for quality special education teacher.This will be a systematic 3-chain model,named as"agood modern citizen-a good college student-a good perspective special education educator."The prospective special education teacher will be equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical experience as well as multiple areas of expertise under the program.
作者 吴武典
出处 《岭南师范学院学报》 2017年第1期37-44,100,共9页 Journal of Lingnan Normal University
关键词 特殊教育师资 特殊教育提升计划 卓越师培 special education teacher Promotion Plan for Special Education collaborative teacher edu cation programs
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