

Mechanism Analysis in the Synergistic Operation of P2P lending System Based on ISM Model
摘要 对P2P网络借贷系统进行概念界定和结构解析,总结P2P网络借贷系统协同运营机理,探寻P2P网络借贷系统协同运营的影响因素。基于ISM模型构建P2P网络借贷系统协同运营影响因素之间的层级关联结构,ISM模型分析结果显示,借款收益、出借人对平台的信任、政府资金投入为P2P网络借贷系统协同运营最直接影响因素,而借款人的硬信息以及银行对平台的监管是P2P网络借贷系统协同运营的根源影响因素。最后,根据分析结果为宏观调控者提出政策建议。 This paper defines the concept and structure of the P2P lending system,summarizes the synergetic operation mechanism of the P2P network lending system and explores the influence factors of P2P lending system synergistic operation.Use the ISM model to construct the hierarchical correlation structure of the P2P lending system's influence factor.The result shows that the most direct influence factors in the synergistic operation of P2P lending system are loan proceeds,lenders' confidence of the platform and government funding.The borrower's hard information and bank supervision of the platform are root factors.Finally,put forward policy recommendations for macro regulator according to the results of the analysis.
出处 《科技和产业》 2017年第3期144-151,157,共9页 Science Technology and Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金(71273032)
关键词 P2P网络借贷系统 协同运营 影响因素 ISM模型 P2Plending system synergistic operation influence factor ISM model
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