本研究借助信息可视化软件Cite SpaceⅢ,通过对Web of Science(SCI-E、SSCI和CPCI-S数据库)收录的2006-2016年以高强度间歇训练为主题的文献索引资料进行可视化分析,探寻现阶段国际高强度间歇训练研究前沿、热点问题。结果表明:美国在HIT研究中处于领先地位,而研究机构主要集中于高校;《运动医学与科学》(Med SCI SPORT EXER)、《应用生理学杂志》(J APPL PHYSIOL)、《伦敦生理学杂志》(J PHYSIOL-LONDON)等是国际HIT研究成果发表的主要期刊。Gibala MJ、Burgomaster KA等作者及其经典代表作品奠定了后续研究的理论基础;研究热点以改善运动能力、提高健康水平为主线,包括竞技表现、体力活动、运动能力等;提高运动能力、评价训练效果及对慢性疾病患者的康复治疗等是国际HIT研究的重要前沿与发展趋势,其对我国运动训练研究具有重要的启示。
With the aid of the information visualization software CiteSpacelll, we carry out vi-sualization analysis on the literature index data about research of high - intensity interval training between 2006 -2016, which from Web of ScienceTM core collection database ( SCI -E, SSCI and CPCI - S) , to explore forefront and hot issues in such subject at the present stage. The results show that, the United States is leading the HIT study with research institu-tions on this subject mainly concentrated in colleges and universities; Med SCI SPORT EX- ERnJ APPL PHYSI0LnJ PHYSIOL - LONDON are the core journals that publish the articles in the field; Gibala MJ, Burgomaster KA and other authors and their classic representative works have laid the theoretical foundation for the follow - up study; research is carried out principally around the main line of improving exercise capacity and health conditions, inclu-ding performance, physical activity, capacity; the significant frontier and development trend in HIT research in the future lie in the boost of exercise capacity, evaluation of training effect, and rehabilitation treatment to patients with chronic diseases. These researches have impor-tant enlightenment to our country sports training.
Journal of Harbin Sport University
High - intensity interval training
Mapping knowledge domain
Co - citation anal-ysis
Information visualization
CiteSpace IH