于2016年选择11个在南平市建阳区种植表现优良的再生稻品种进行中留桩机收栽培简比试验,结果表明:最适宜当地作机收再生稻栽培的品种为甬优2640、晶两优华占、隆两优华占,其次为隆两优1212、两优688、和两优332。这6个品种两季合计每667 m^2产量分别为1075.0 kg、955.0 kg、935.0 kg、921.7 kg、891.7 kg、882.3 kg;均表现为群体生长整齐,再生成穗率较高,综合性状表现较好,米质优;可作为当地中留桩机收再生稻品种推广种植。
A simple comparison test of rice cultivation with a planting mode of ratoon and harvest by machine was carried out in 2016, in which, 11 ratooning rice varieties having good planting performance in Jianyang District, Nanping City were used as materials. The results showed that “Yongyou 2640” , “ Jingliangyouhuazhan” and ‘‘Longliangyouhuazhan” were the best used for machine - harvested ratooning rice varieties,the second best one were “Longliangyou 1212” , “ Liangyou 688” and u Liangyou 332^. Yield of these six varieties were 1075. 0 kg, 955. 0 kg, 935. 0 kg, 921.7 kg, 891.7 kg and 882. 3 kg, re-spectively ,showing regular population, high percentage of ear - bearing tiller, good comprehensive characteristics and high quality and could be extended as machine - harvested ratooning rice varieties.
Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology
Ratooning rice
harvest by machine
simple comparison test