采用"3414"完全实施方案开展仙景槟榔芋肥效试验,结果表明:在试验的土壤肥力条件下,钾素对仙景槟榔芋产量影响最大,且施用硫酸钾比氯化钾增产明显;每667 m^2施用N 33.6kg、P_2O_5 11.4 kg、K_2O 47.0 kg,仙景槟榔芋产量最高。
A test on fertilizer efficacy of Xianjing areca taro was carried out by using the “3414” full implementation plan, the results showed that under the experimental condition of soil fertility, potassium had greatest impact on taro yield, more obvious yield-increasing effect in the treatment of applying potassium sulfate than applying potassium chloride was observed. And Xianjing areca taro had the highest yield while applying amount of N, P2 O5 and K2O was 33. 6 kg/667 m^2 ( 168 kg/hm^2) ,11.4 kg/667 m^2( 171 kg/hm^2) and 47 kg/667 m^2 (705 kg/hm^2) respectively.
Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology