建立了基于Vega Prime/Multigen Creator软件的航弹三维视景半实物仿真系统。通过对系统的总体分析,对航弹模型优化、系统实时性扩展以及利用VC^(++)二次开发视景仿真系统等关键性问题进行研究,最终使视景仿真模块与弹上电气系统和仿真计算机成为闭环系统。利用该系统不仅可以进行半实物仿真试验,而且还可以通过半实物仿真得到的航弹六自由度数据实时驱动航弹三维模型,最终实现直观显示仿真结果。该系统已在航弹控制系统优化和测试中得到了实际应用。
A 3D view semi-physical simulation system is built for aviation bomb based on Ve-ga Prime/Multigen Creator. A closed loop system, comprising the view simulation module, the electrical system of the bomb and the simulation computer, is realized through optimiza-tion of the aviation bomb model, comprehensive analysis, real time extension and further de-velopment of the system with VC . This system can not only conduct semi-physical simu-lation tests, but also drive the 3D model of the bomb with the six degrees of freedom data obtained through semi-physical simulation, leading to the visual display of the simulation re-sults .This system has been utilized in the optimization of the bomb control system and relat-ed tests.
Modern Applied Physics