在材料学中应变硬化指数的物理意义是反映材料均匀变形的能力。文中通过研究材料的拉伸应力-应变曲线和相关公式,推导了应变硬化指数与材料的屈服强度和抗拉强度之间的关系和公式,并介绍了如何使用MS Excel的计算功能求解材料的应变硬化指数n值的方法。
In materials science, the physical meaning of strain hardening exponent is the uniform deformation capacity of the materials. This paper studies on tensile stress-strain curve and related calculation formulas. Through a series of derivation and operation, the relationship and calculation formulas between strain hardening exponent and the yield strength and tensile strength are obtained. A method is introduced to solve materials' strain hardening exponent using MS Excel calculation functions.
Mechanical Engineer