
离子色谱法同时测定地下水中5种无机阴离子 被引量:3

Simultaneous Determination of 5 Inorganic Aanions in Groundwater by Ion Chromatography
摘要 建立离子色谱法同时测定地下水中5种无机阴离子(F^-、Cl^-、NO_2^-、NO_3^-、SO_4^(2-))含量的测定方法。采用Thermo阴离子色谱柱,以4.5 mmol/L碳酸钠和0.8 mmol/L碳酸氢钠混合液为淋洗液,流速1.00 m L/min,柱温为室温,进样体积为50μL。结果表明,本分析方法条件下可同时测定5种无机阴离子,分离度及色谱峰形较好,5种阴离子标准曲线线性相关系数均在0.9994以上、具有良好的线性关系,相对标准偏差在0.44%~1.66%之间,加标回收率均值在99.8%~103.6%之间,测定结果的精密度及准确度较好,能在18 min内完成测定。该方法具有简便、快速、灵敏、选择性好、测定结果准确可靠和同时测定多组分等优点,适合于地下水样品的测定。 A method for the simultaneous determination of 5 inorganic anions (F-, Cl-, NO2, NO3, SO2-) in groundwater by ion chromatography was established using Thermo anion exchange chromatography column, with 4.5 mmol/L of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate 0. 8 mmol/L mixture as eluent, flow rate of 1.00 mL/min, at room temperature, sample volume of 50μL. The results showed that under this condition the method can simultaneous determine 5 inorganic anions, the separation degree and peak shape was good, 5 kinds of anion standard curve linear correlation coefficients were above 0. 9994, had a good linear relationship, the relative standard deviation was from 0.44% to 1.66%, average recovery was in the range of 99. 8% - 103.6%, the precision and accuracy of the determination results were good, the determination can be completed within 18 rain. The method was simple, rapid, sensitive, selective, accurate and reliable, can be used for the determination of groundwater samples.
作者 陈泓霖 邱国良 曾琴 CHEN Hong-lin QIU Guo-liang ZENG Qin(Hengyang Environmental Monitoring Station, Hunan Hengyang 421001, China)
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2017年第7期96-99,共4页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
关键词 离子色谱法 地下水 无机阴离子 测定 ion chromatography groundwater inorganic anion determination
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