China FTZ legal system has been initially formed, but still lack of legislation at the national level, too much emphasis on local legislation restricted institutional innovation and daily management efficiency of China FTZ to a certain extent, the authorized legislation and management authority is limited have influenced the enthusiasm of FTZ Administrative Committee as the "front line" managers to participate in FTZ legislative work and the operation management, the current FTZ free opening and independent innovation advantages by fetters, the vitality of the FTZ market cannot be fully released. We should learn from the historical experience of foreign advanced FTZ, following the "rule of law" principle formulate and promulgate the national level "China FTZ law" to guidance the overall construction of China FTZ strategy as soon as possible, reducing the excessive administrative intervention of local government on FTZ affairs appropriately, limiting the FTZ legislative authority of local government reasonably, authorizing FTZ Administrative Committee more power to stimulate the subjective initiative of FTZ Administrative Committee and market subject to participate in the FTZ legislation and management, the legal system structure and management mode of China FTZ should be gradually transformed and upgraded from the three level to the double level, so as to adapt to the FTZ basic function of system innovation and free trade and accordance with its liberal properties, promoting China's FTZ strategy to achieve better and faster development in the end.
LI Meng(FTZ Research Institute of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275 Law School of Macao University of Science and Technology, Macao 99907)
Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics