
日占旅大时期关东都督府地方法院对安重根等人的判决书 被引量:1

Written Decision About An Jung-geun by Local Court attached to Guandong Governor Office in Japanese Occupying Lvshun
摘要 安重根(1879-1910)是朝鲜近代史上著名的独立运动家,字应七,本贯顺兴,生于朝鲜海州,自幼学习儒学,早年皈依天主教。日俄战争后积极参与反对日本侵略朝鲜活动,1907年参加义兵运动,但与日军作战均归于失败。1909年10月26日,安重根在中国哈尔滨火车站成功刺杀了日本政治家、前首相伊藤博文。安重根被捕后被送往旅顺监狱关押。日本关东都督府地方法院于1910年2月14日判处安重根死刑,并于同年3月26日在旅顺监狱内的行刑室将其绞杀。当时,日本舆论界斥责安重根为暴徒、无知之辈;而中国报刊则称赞安重根是爱国志士、和平代表者,孙中山、章太炎、梁启超等人都曾题词、赋诗对安重根的义举加以赞颂。因为与朝鲜(韩国)人民有着遭受日本军国主义侵略的共同历史经历,中国人普遍对安重根怀有崇敬之心。近年来,国内学界对安重根研究热情不减,我们特翻译日本殖民当局对安重根等人的判决书~①,期望能提供一份有价值的参考资料。文中的"南满洲"等历史名词不代表译者立场和观点。 An Jung-geun (1879-1910) is a famous independence activist in Korean history with a given name "Ying-qi" originated from Shunxing, Haizhou, Korea, was immersed in Confucianism and followed Catholicism from his young age. He actively participated in the movement against Japan invading Korea after Japan-Russia Battle, and he joined "Yibing Movement" in 1907 but failed in the battle against Japan. AN Jung-geun killed Japanese politician, former Prime Minister, Itohirobumi and he was sent to Lvshun prison. He was sentenced to death by the local court attached to Guandong Governor Office on February 14, 1910 and was hanged to death on March 26, 1910 in Lvshun prison. At the moment, Japanese media reprimands him as hooligan, innocent, while China newspaper declares him as a patriot, peace representative, and such great figures as Sun, Zhong-shan, Zhang Tai-yan and Liang Qi-chao all famed him for hid great deeds with poetry or papers. Because of the similar experience of being invaded by Japanese army, Chinese people hold great respect for An Jung-genn. In recent years, there is an ever increasing euthusaiasm for An Jung-geun in domestic academic cycle, we translate the written decision of An Jung-geun by Japanese government to provide a valuable document for study.
出处 《大连大学学报》 2017年第1期21-26,共6页 Journal of Dalian University
关键词 安重根义士 伊藤博文 暗杀事件 旅顺监狱 判决书 Patriot An Jung-geun Itohirobumi assassination Lvshun prison written decision
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