Looking back to the development history of Shandong time-honored brands,countless brands used to enjoy great prestige but are facing the continuous competition from foreign brands and rapidly emerging new domestic brands.How many brands are still maintaining their brilliant achievements after going through the hundreds of years of challenges?In the ranking list of China time-honored brands with the highest brand value,Shandong enterprises attract great attention:Tsingtao Brewery was ranked the first with a brand value of RMB 35.787 billion;Dong-e E-Jiao followed closely with a brand value of RMB 34.053 billion;Dezhou Braised Chicken was ranked the 17 th with a brand value of RMB 872 million.With brand competition becoming the focus of international economic competition,the time-honored brands,which are the carriers of traditional culture,have become the key breakthrough strength of Shandong's brandoriented strategy.