Under the pressure from international brands and the cost advantage of a cheap labor force in Southeast Asia,China's garment enterprises are facing the double squeeze on development.Under the new normal,how can garment enterprises crack development problems and achieve corporate transformation?As a leading enterprise of the traditional clothing industry,Dishang Group gave the answer:based on export trade,widening global sales channels,elevating creative design ability,constructing self-owned brands,and realizing the transformation from a trader to a supply chain integrator.Now,Dishang Group owns 5 garment companies and 7 independent design brands in the United States.In 2016,it realized sales revenue exceeding USD 150 million.So far,it has successfully run a number of well-known brands such as upscale women's wear 'Feraud',men's casual wear 'IZOD' and fashionable women's wear 'GR',and established over 200 franchised stores in first-tier cities nationwide.The sales revenue of RMB 5 billion is expected to show new increase in the aspect of self-owned brands and domestic ODM business within 3 years.