国际银行业联合会(IBFed)成立于2004年3月,代表各国银行业协会的共同声音。中国银行业协会也是IBFed 11个成员之一。IBFed共代表各成员国1.8万家银行,27.5万分支机构。其中有700多家银行全球排名1000以内,共管理资产31万亿美元。联合会代表了全球各大金融中心,其会员也遍布全球各个时区。联合会的全球代表性使其成为探讨全球银行业法律、监管以及其他共性问题的国际平台。
The International Banking Federation (IBFed) was formed in March 2004 to represent the combined views of a group of national banking associations. The China Banking Association is one of the ll members of the IBFed. The countries represented by the Federation collectively represent more than 18,000 banks with 275,000 branches, including around 700 of the world's top 1000 banks which alone manage worldwide assets of over S31 trillion. The Federation represents every major financial centre and its members' activities take place in every time zone. This worldwide reach enables the Federation to function as the key international forum for considering legislative, regulatory and other issues of interest to the global banking industry. For more information you can visit our website www.ibfed.org.
China Banking