通过用不同CO_2浓度对百合生长期施肥,研究了在350μL/L、600μL/L、800μL/L和1000μL/L CO2浓度处理下的百合鲜切花生长开花及其生理基础。结果表明,塑料大棚冬春季生产条件下CO2施肥浓度增至600μL/L时,对百合鲜切花的生产最佳,百合的品质得到显著提高。
We researched Lily's Fresh cutting of Lily flowers growth, blossom and physiological basis under the controlling concentration of CO2 with 350, 600, 800 and 1 000 ppm. The result showed that under that growing condition of plastic shed, when concentration of fertilizing CO2 attained 600ppm it is beneficial to the production of fresh cutting flowers of lily and the quality of Lily was improved greatly.
Journal of Wuhu Institute of Technology