

Unhappy Woman Yindi's Stuggle and Tagedy——Based on the Theory of Implicit Process
摘要 张爱玲的《怨女》不仅是一部家族史,也是一部银娣自己的救赎史。小说描述了"怨女"银娣坎坷悲剧一生,希望通过婚姻改变自己的命运,展现了娘家的乡下生活与婆家姚家大家族形成的不同的文化背景,两者既互相对立又互相补充。银娣虽然改变了物质生活,但是精神生活却陷入了荒芜,姚二爷的身体残疾和姚三爷的无情将她的梦彻底地粉碎。银娣的反抗、挣扎跨越了时空,成为了那个时代女性的个体和群体的象征,张爱玲实际上是希望通过银娣的实践和经历,来探寻女性的摆脱命运之路。《怨女》有很多张爱玲渴望诉说之言,只是这些言语隐藏在文字和显性进程的后面,如果能够采取"显性进程"和"隐性进程"理论阐释《怨女》,将会使深层意义和社会意义的揭示起着重要的作用。《怨女》显性进程围绕婚前、出嫁、婚后、偷情、分家、借债、躲债等情节展开,而隐性进程则隐藏的是造成银娣人生悲剧的社会根源。在父权的社会中银娣希望通过婚嫁来改变自己的命运,但是这条路是十分艰难的,小说中显性进程和隐性进程相互之间形成呼应、衬托与补充、完善,使得《怨女》的主题更加丰富,银娣的形象更加丰满,其哀怨更加令人扼腕。 Rouge of the North by Zhang Ailing is not only a family history, but a history of salvation. The novel describes Yindi's tragic life. She hopes to change her destiny through marriage. Yindi changed her material life, but her spiritual life was in desert. Yindi became a symbol of female at the age. A lot of words were expressed implicitly in the text and explicit process. If the explicit and implicit processes are adopted to interpret the work, the deep meanings and social meanings are revealed ef- fectively. The explicit process was developed through the plots of before marriage, marriage, after marriage, love affair, borrow- ing, and so on, while the implicit process was through the analysis of the social cause of Yindi's tragedy. The author makes the theme more rich, and the image of heroine more vivid.
作者 杨春 YANG Chun(Journal Editorial Office, the Chinese Women's College, Beijing 100101, China)
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期80-86,共7页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 《怨女》 艰难的反抗 隐性进程 张爱玲 Rouge of the North tough resistance implicit process Zhang Ailing
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  • 1Peter Brooks, Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative, New York: Knopf, 1984, p. xiv.
  • 2See James Phelan, Reading People, Reading Plots : Character, Progression, and the Interpretation of Narrative, Chica- go : University of Chicago Press, 1989.
  • 3See James Phelan, Narrative as Rhetoric, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1996, p. 90.
  • 4James Phelan, Living to Tell about It, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005.
  • 5Experiencing Fic- tion, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2007.
  • 6See Michael Toolan, Narrative Progression in the Short Story, John Benjamins, 2009.
  • 7See G. M. Hopkins, Poems and Prose, New York: Everyman's, 1995, p. 174.
  • 8Northrop Frye, Words with Power, New York: HBJ, 1990, pp. 57 -58.
  • 9See Hopkins, Poems and Prose, p. 174.
  • 10申丹.《叙事、文体与潜文本》,北京大学出版社,2011年,第114-130页.









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