电子皮带秤是280 m^2烧结配料系统的重要组成部分,其准确度直接影响着烧结矿的品质。而对电子秤进行校皮工作是确保秤准确度的一种重要手段。通过可编程序控制器实现电子皮带秤的远程校皮,有利于减少维护人员工作量,提高皮带称的准确度,稳定烧结矿质量。
The electronic belt weigher is an important part of 280 m2 sintering batching system, its accuracy affects the quality of sinter directly. The removal of tare weight is an important means to ensure the accuracy of the belt weigher. In this paper, the application of remote calibration by PLC for electronic belt weigher can reduce the maintenance works, improve the accuracy of the belt weigher and stabilize the quality of sinter.
Metal Materials and Metallurgy Engineering