发现于1996年的澳门圣母雪地殿内17世纪皁期湿壁画,为中国罕见的建筑室内装饰,具有重要的历史意义与美学价值。然而在2 0 1 0年前后,该壁画幵始呈现各类程度不同的病害,并伴有发展趋势。为使该壁画得到长期良好的保护效果,管理方对保护研究采取了分两期进行的策略。同济大学组建的跨学科团队完成了保护研究第一期—病害诊断与保护方案,具体研究内容为病害实录、建筑单元的排查诊断、环境监测,借助仿真模拟等现代技术手段,提出干预维护方案。通过对壁画历时五年的监测及其室内环境分析,各专业协同合作,最终确诊造成壁画病变的主要原因是由于教堂外围护体密实性严重不足,特别是单层瓦面导致的开裂渗漏等。保护团队据此诊断提出了针对性的保护维护方案,并建议在实施抢救性干预方案的同时,开展第二期的保护研究工作,用以对一期实施方案的有效性进行判断,或作为后期修正改进的依据。
The frescoes from early 17th century discovered in 1996 in the Chapel of Our Lady of Guia in Macao are interior ornamentations that are rarely seen in China, and represent significant historic meanings and aesthetic values. Around 2010, damages in different forms were found and even become worse. To ensure conservation over time, two research phases are strategically planned by the manager. In the first phase, desease diagnosis and conservation plans were carried out by the interdisciplinary group from Tongji University. In this phase, architectural documentation, masonry inspection, interior environment monitoring, material testing both in situ and in laboratory were carried out, and new technologies such as hygrothermal simulation were employed, so as to propose the plan of conservational intervention. After five years of monitoring and analysis of interior environment, through multi-disciplinary cooperation, it was proved that the defects are caused mainly by tightness failure of envelope,especially high moisture in lime plaster substrate of frescoes caused by single layered roof. Based on the findings, a conservation recipe was proposed, and further research works as scope of work of conservation phase n, are proposed, which shall be started during the intervention measurements, and be used to judge the effectiveness of the works of phase I or as the basis for further corrections and improvements.
Heritage Architecture
Chapel of Our Lady of Guia
conservation of frescoes
indoor climate m onitoring
hygrothermal simulation
conservation strategy