
维也纳霍夫堡皇宫“旧儿童翼”区域木屋架结构历史变迁研究 被引量:1

A Historical Study on the Timber Roof Structure of the 'Kindertrakt' Area in Hofburg,Vienna
摘要 霍夫堡是哈布斯堡家族的皇室宫殿群,位于奥地利维也纳城市中心,始建于13世纪。霍夫堡的扩建与改造工程伴随着战争及帝国的扩张进程,持续了数个世纪,而其主体建筑之上的木构屋架群也随之经历多次变更和改建。本文的研究对象"旧儿童翼"区域位于瑞士廷、利奥波德翼与仪典殿三个不同时期建筑的交界地带,在历经多次变更后,其屋架木结构的现状复杂混乱,难以分辨其建造时期与结构类型。在缺乏相关文献资料的不利条件下,研究聚焦于采用多种方式综合分析遗存木构件,以还原其原始结构及之后的历史变迁历程。对"旧儿童翼"木屋架结构历史变迁的研究,涵盖了现状测绘、历史图像研究及节点构造研究等不同方面。研究结果表明,这一屋架的原始结构始建于18世纪中叶,为罕见的三折屋架。同时,研究也揭示了其多次改建的过程与改造方法,为进一步了解巴洛克时期德语区木构技术的发展与当时工匠的建造思维提供了新的研究材料。 Hofburg, located in the centre of Vienna, is the former imperial palace of Habsburg dynasty which originated from the 13th century. Together with the succeeding wars and the expansion of the empire, the extension and restoration projects of the palace lasted for centuries, which resulted in constant structural changes and reconstruction projects processed on the timber roof of Hofburg during the same period. The timber roof of the 'Kindertrakt' area, which located between the ‘Schweizertrakt', the ‘Leopoldinischer Trakt' and the ‘Festsaaltrakt', is the result of several modifications with complex structure, which causes difficulties in detecting its original date of construction and structural type. Because of the absence of relevant documentation of the construction, the study of the ‘Kindertrakt' focuses on analysing the current timber structure using a variety of research methods and technical means, and aims at revealing its original structure and the following historical alterations. The study of the ‘Kindertrakt' indicates that the original timber structure should be an unusual triple Baroque roof, and examines its historical renovations and techniques of reconstruction, which offers a chance to have a further understanding of the technical development of timber roof in Baroque period and the behavior of the traditional carpenters.
作者 董书音
出处 《建筑遗产》 2016年第4期98-107,共10页 Heritage Architecture
关键词 巴洛克时期木构 “旧儿童翼” 德语区屋架结构 建造研究 建筑考古学 Baroque roof trusses ‘Kindertrakt' timber roofstructure construction research building archeology
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