
区域投资法律环境和风险与中国对策——以我国企业对尼日利亚投资为例 被引量:6

Analysis of the Environment and Legal Risks of Regional Outbound Investment and the Strategies for China
摘要 随着我国企业对外投资的脚步逐渐加快,区域内投资的法律及环境风险也日益突出。尼日利亚作为非洲地区发展速度较快、市场规模较大的新兴市场国家,自然资源得天独厚、投资潜力巨大,是我国实施"企业走出去"战略的重要对象国。其投资和税收等相关领域的法律和政策为境外投资者创造了较好的投资环境,这种鼓励外商投资的整体环境有利于我国企业对尼日利亚的投资。但是尼日利亚在经济、政治等方面对外国投资的限制因素和各种风险也同时存在,值得引起中国企业的重视。本文通过对尼日利亚有关投资的政治、经济、金融和法律方面风险的总体分析,以及中国在尼日利亚投资实践的具体分析,为中国在尼日利亚的投资安全提出对策建议,从而为中国"企业走出去"战略在尼日利亚的顺利实施提供相应的参考。 With the acceleration of the pace of foreign investment in China,the legal and environmental risks of investment in the region have become increasingly prominent. As an emerging market country which is of relative fast development and big size of market in Africa, which has unique natural resources and huge potential for investment, Nigeria is a significant investment target within the strategies of"Going out of Enterprises". The laws and policies of Nigeria in the areas of investment and tax create a good investment environment for foreign investors. The good environment is beneficial to Chinese enterprises investing in Nigeria. However, there are also restrictions and risks which shall cause the attention of Chinese enterprises. This paper's overall analysis of risks in the areas of politics, economy, finance and law in Nigeria combining with the investment practice of China will bring the formulation of Chinese strategy towards investment security in Nigeria, and will provide reference for the implementation of the strategies of"Going out of Enterprises"in Nigeria.
作者 万方 郑曦 WAN Fang ZHENG Xi(School of Law, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, 100089)
出处 《国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期133-142,共10页 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
基金 北京外国语大学基本科研业务费青年学术创新团队支持计划"中国企业在非洲投资的法律风险控制研究"(2015JT007)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 尼日利亚 投资环境 投资风险 对策建议 Nigeria Investment Environment Investment Risks Strategies and Suggestions
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