This Paper introduced a survey of the Hongyazi Hipparion fauna’s fossils and the bearing-fossil strata-the Hougyazi formation briefly that gathered from Hongyazi area of the Akesei Kazak nationality autonomous couuty of Gansu Province by authors et al. 1983-1984.Hipparion platyodus, Chiloterium sp., Samotherium sp., Palaeotragus microdon, Gazella gaudryi etc.in the Hongyazi fauna are the major members of the Nor-hern China Hipparion fauna. Therefore authors consider that the Hongyazi Hipparion faunaapp roaches with the Northern China Hipparion fauna.Having onsidered fossils of the other kinds geological age of the Hongyazi formation should belong to Pliocene of the Neogene. According to the characteristics of rock facies, the palaeogeographic en-ivronment where the Hongyazi fauna lived has been discussed preliminarily in this papeer, and this fauna has been considered as a mixed type in which each forest animal and grassland animal occupies a certain proportion.Finally, according to the altitudes (500 to 1,000 meters) of the Northern China Hipparion fauna we calculated that Hongyazi area which is situated in the northern border of the Qinghai-Xizang plateau has risen about 2,700 meters since Pliocene.
Gansu Geology