

How to Understand Xin,Xing and Tian-Comparing on the Moral Nature Theory of Wu Chen with Wang Yangming
摘要 心性论是宋明理学的核心内容。在元代,吴澄为心学正名,纳心学入道统。至明代,王阳明亦以道为其思想主题及致思目标。二人均以救时弊自任而力倡心学。吴澄以"太极之心"与"剧贼之心"言心、以"天地之性"与"气质之性"言性,既以"理"为心、性之内容,又赋予心、性以"迹"与"气"的形式,在一定意义上表现为个体性与普遍性的统一,并更为重视个体性方面的表现。王阳明言心性则先验地、内在地包含个体性与普遍性之同一,并更为强调心、性作为普遍性内容的重要性。王阳明虽强调心、性、天之同一,但并未否认尽心、知天之存心、修身工夫有不同的阶段和层级。王阳明之所以更为强调心、性先验的普遍性意义以及心、性作为本体地位的重要性,是要对治朱门后学支离之病,以使学人专心致志于心上用功。由此可知,吴澄心性论在从朱学向王学的逻辑演进中留下了独特的历史轨迹,其中亦涉及若干值得反思的理论问题。 Moral nature theory is the core of Neo - Confucianism. Wu Cheng is a famous philosopher of Yuan dynasty, while Wang Yangming is a great philosopher of Min dynasty. Their thoughts on moral nature theory are both complex and grand. They both set forth the abundant signification in Xin, Xing and Tian to clarify the misunderstanding of Xin, Xing and Tian and also put the school of Xin into Confucian orthodoxy on the basis of Mind Contains Tao. Wu Cheng analyzed Xin through "the heart of the Tat Chi" and "the heart of the drama thief", while analyzed Xing through the "Nature of temperament" and "Nature of the heaven and the earth". Wu Cheng put Li as the content of Xin and Xing, and used Ji and Qi as a form of Xin and Xing. His moral nature theory included the unity of individuality and universality in a certain sense, and more emphasis on individual performance. Wang Yangming' s moral nature theory included a? priori? unity of individuality and universality inherently, and more emphasis on the importance of putting Xin and Xing as the u- niversal content. Although Wang Yangming emphasized the unity of Xin Xing and Tian he had not denied the existence of different stages and levels of self - cultivation. The reason why Wang yangming put more emphasis on the transcendental universal significance and the importance of the status of ontology of Xin and Xing is to correct the disadvantages of Zhu's successors so as to make? intellectuals absorbed in moral nature. Accordingly, Wu Cheng~ moral theory left behind a unique historical route? in the? logic evolution from Zhu School to Wang School, which also involved some theo- ry problems worthy of reflection.
作者 吴立群
出处 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期12-22,共11页 Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
关键词 吴澄 王阳明 心性论 比较 Wu Chen Wang Yangming the moral nature theory comparison
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