取多年生优良大叶芳樟母株当年萌发的嫩枝条,切成约1 cm长带芽点的小段经消毒处理后接种到MS基本培养基中,待腋芽长至约0.5~1 cm后,把小芽挑下接种到MS+6-BA 2.0 mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L的培养基中,诱导出愈伤组织。而后用MS+6-BA 0.3 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L的培养基从愈伤组织中诱导出小芽并用该培养基(6-BA的浓度视苗况在0.2~0.5之间调整)继代培养,扩繁。增殖率3.0~4.0倍。续代3~5代后从芽团上选取H>2.5 cm的粗壮单株取其茎段分节接入MS+6-BA 0.8 mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L的培养基中,使其成团扩繁,增殖倍数可扩至9.0~12.0倍。待库存扩至一定量时切取达到生根标准的单株接到1/2 MS+IAA 0.3的培养基中,30~40 d生根率达90%以上。炼苗10 d左右移栽,成活率达85%~90%以上。(注:以上培养基全部需用纯水,用自来水会产生严重褐化现象导致叶片发黑脱落,小芽逐渐从顶部发黑枯死。)
The branches retrieved from the excellent penennial mother plant of Cinnamomum camphore were cut into 1 cm long bring small section with axillary bud and inducted in MS medium after disinfection. The callus should be inducted in MS medium added 2.0 mg/L 6-BA and 0.2 mg/L NAA when the axillary bud grew about 0.5-1 cm. Then the small buds could be inducted in MS medium added 0.3 mg/L 6-BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA from the callus, then using this medium for subculture and propagation (the concentration of 6-BA between 0.2-0.5 mg/L). The multiply rate (MR value) was up to 3.0- 4.0 times. The process could be repeated about 3-5 times, then the thick single buds above 2.5 cm were taken into the medium which was added 0.8 mg/L 6-BA and 0.2 mg/L NAA, make them propagation as group, the multiply rate (MR value) was up to 9.0-12.0 times. After a period of training, the inventories extended to a certain amount cut per plant which reached the standard root cultured in 1/2 MS medium added 0.3 mg/L IAA, the rooting rate could get to 90% after 30-40 days, and the survival rate were more than 85%-90% after the seedlings trained for 10 days were transplanted. (Note: the medium all of above need pure water, tap water could lead the leaf black and falls off, and the small bud gradually could be black from the top and gradually withered)
South China Forestry Science
Cinnamomum camphora
tissue culture
subsection multiplication