
^(18)F-FDG SPECT/CT与CT在肺结核合并肺癌患者诊断中的比较研究 被引量:32

Comparative analysis of ^(18)F-FDG SPECT/CT vs CT scan in the diagnosis of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with lung cancer
摘要 目的:通过^(18)F-FDG SPECT/CT与CT在肺结核合并肺癌患者诊断中的对比研究,评价^(18)F-FDG SPECT/CT在诊断肺结核合并肺癌中的临床价值。方法:选取2013年3月-2016年3月我院收集确诊的100例肺结核合并肺癌患者,将肺癌病灶为周围型肺癌者分为I组,其中结核病灶为陈旧性结核者分为Ⅰ_a,活动性结核者分为Ⅰ_(1b);中心型肺癌者分为Ⅱ组,其中陈旧性结核者分为Ⅱ_a,活动性结核者分为Ⅱ_b,均行8F-FDG SPECT/CT扫描,并与CT对比研究。结果:100例患者中Ⅰ_a组47例,Ⅰ_b组24例,Ⅱ_a组17例,Ⅱ_b组12例。患者中肺结核病灶以双肺上叶尖后段及下叶背段分布为主(78.0%),与肺癌病灶分布有差异(P<0.001)。Ⅰ_a组SPECT/CT、CT检出率分别为95.74%、80.85%,SPECT/CT检出率高于CT(P=0.001)。Ⅰ_b组SPECT/CT、CT检出率分别为79.17%、75.00%,SPECT/CT检出率与CT检出率的差异无统计学意义(P=0.502)。Ⅱ_a组SPECT/CT、CT检出率分别为94.12%、70.59%,SPECT/CT检出率高于CT(P<0.001)。Ⅱ_b组SPECT/CT、CT检出率分别为75.00%、66.67%,SPECT/CT检出率与CT检出率的差异无统计学意义(P=0.213)。结论:^(18)F-FDG SPECT/CT在肺结核合并肺癌的诊断上,具有较高的临床价值,尤其对于非活动性肺结核合并肺癌的诊断上优于CT。 Objective: To explore the diagnostic value of 18 F - FDG SPECT/CT,compared with that of CT alone in the diagnosis of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with lung cancer. Methods : A retrospective study was conducted in 100 patients with confirmed diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with lung cancer from March 2013 to March 2016. SPECT/CT images of all patients were analyzed and compared with CT scan. All patients were divided into four groups. Group I a were the patients with the peripheral lung cancer complicated with inactive tuberculosis. Group I b were the patients with the peripheral lung cancer complicated with active tuberculosis. Group II a were the patients with the central lung cancer complicated with inactive tuberculosis. Group II b were the patients with the central lung cancer complicated with active tuberculosis. Results : Among one hundred patients, there was sta-tistically significant difference in distribution oflesions between tuberculosis and lung cancer (P 〈0. 001). In group I a ,the detection rates of SPECT/CT and CT were 95.7 4 % and 80. 8 5 % ,and the detection rate of SPECT/CT was higher than that of CT( P =0.001). In group I b , the detection rates of SPECT/CT and CT were 79. 17% and 75. 00% , and there was no significant difference between the detection rate of SPECT/ CT and that of CT( P = 0. 502) . In group II a ,the detection rates of SPECT/CT and CT were 94. 12% and 70. 5 9 % ,and the detection rate of SPECT/CT was higher than that of CT(P 〈0. 001) . In group II b, the detection rates of SPECT/ CT and CT were 75. 0 0 % and 66. 67% , and there was no significant difference between the detection rate of SPECT/ CT and that of CT (P =0. 213). Conclusion : SPECT/CT is superior to CT scan in the detection of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with lung cancer,especially for the diagnosis of inactive tuberculosis complicated with lung cancer.
出处 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2017年第10期1615-1618,共4页 Journal of Modern Oncology
关键词 肺结核 肺癌 SPECT/CT CT pulmonary tuberculosis,lung cancer, SPECT/CT,CT
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