
自然保护区内矿业权退出面临问题及对策 被引量:10

Problems and countermeasures of mineral right withdrawal in nature reserve
摘要 近年来,我国越来越重视生态文明建设,各类自然保护区数量增长明显,相关法律法规明确规定保护区内禁止勘查开采矿产资源,已设置的矿业权应限期退出。但由于多种原因,自然保护区内仍存在矿产资源开发活动,管理机关的处置方式主要为禁止继续投放和限期退出,因此矿业权退出面临着与自然保护区重叠情况不清、分类退出补偿方式未确定和生态恢复治理义务没有履行等方面的问题。需要以多部门联合开展自然保护区内矿产资源开发情况调查工作为基础,从通过规划统筹安排自然保护区内矿业权有序退出、研究完善矿业权退出分类补偿机制、做好矿业权退出后的生态恢复治理等方面入手,逐步解决自然保护区内矿业权退出问题,促进生态环境保护与矿产资源开发协调发展。 In recent years,our country pay more attention to the construction of ecological civilization.Nature reserves increased significantly.Relevant laws and regulations clearly stipulate that mining and mineral resources are prohibited in protected areas.Mineral rights which has been set should exit deadline.But because of various reasons,the mineral resources development is still in the nature reserve.Management agencies to deal with the main way to continue to prohibit the release and withdrawal.So there are some problems in the withdrawal of mineral right,that is not clearing the overlap of nature reserve,not determining classification exit compensation and not performing the obligation of ecological restorationetc.It is necessary to carry out joint investigation on the exploitation of mineral resources in the nature reserve.Starting from the planning of the overall arrangements for the orderly withdrawal of mineral rights in the nature reserve,research and improve the classification of mineral rights exit compensation mechanism,do a good job of mineral rights after the ecological restoration of governance.withdrawal of mineral rights in nature reserves will be set step by step,ecological recovery after treatment and other aspects,gradually solve the nature protection area of mineral rights exit problems,that will promote coordinated development of ecological environment protection and exploitation of mineral resources.
作者 张博 利广杰
出处 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2017年第4期1-3,27,共4页 China Mining Magazine
基金 中国地质调查局地质调查计划项目"国土资源开发与保护基础地质支撑计划"子项目"全国矿产资源勘查开采监测与管理技术支撑项目"资助(编号:DD20160091)
关键词 自然保护区 矿业权 矿业权退出 nature reserve mineral right mineral right withdrawal
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