
图式理论应用于《新标准大学英语》阅读教学的实证研究 被引量:1

An Empirical Study of College English Reading Teaching Based on Schema Theory
摘要 本文从实证出发,将图式理论应用于《新标准大学英语》的阅读教学中:从内容图式、形式图式、语言图式三方面入手引导学生的阅读过程。阅读前,利用视频、自身经历、图片等听的、读的、看的信息激活学生大脑中的图式;阅读中,发挥已有图式的预测作用,查找信息把握文章脉络、主旨和重要细节,也完成图式的修正、完善;阅读后,通过各种扩展阅读、座谈会等方式完成图式的巩固和扩展,重构新的更庞大的图式。本研究选择了101名学生参与试验,通过前后测成绩对比检验教学效果。SPSS19.0数据统计结果切实证明了图式理论在阅读教学中的良好效果。 Schema Theory, originated from a theory in cognitive psychology, now is widely used in language teaching. Since 1980s, when this theory is brought to China, Chinese scholars have been studying its application in the teaching process of English reading, listening, writing, translation and so on. This is an empirical study of the practical application of Schema Theory in the teaching process of reading materials in New Standard College English. from the points of content schema, formal schema and linguistic schema, the teacher is to guide the students' reading. Before-reading is to motivate the existing schema in the students' mind, with the help of video clips, teachers' experiences, pictures and others that can be read, heard or seen; While-reading is aimed to skim and scan the structure, the core idea and some of the most important details with the aid of the prediction readers have made based on the existing or newly-built schema in the first step. This is also a process to check, revise, perfect the schema. After-reading is to solidify, expand or reconstruct a more extensive schema, through a variety of activities like further reading and a Socratic seminar and so forth. 101 students are involved into this study. The figures, collected in the contrast of scores in the pretest and posttest, clearly show the good effects of teaching guided by the Schema Theory. It is obvious that the Schema Theory has been practically making a great difference to English teaching, which is also offering us a brilliant space to make researches in this field.
作者 刘海红
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第2期130-134,155,共6页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 自治区高等学校科学研究项目"<大学英语>考试改革之探索--‘全语言’测试下考试‘反拨效应’的实证研究"(NJSY14093)研究成果之一
关键词 图式理论 内容图式 形式图式 语言图式 英语阅读教学 Schema Theory content schema formal sehema linguistic schema English reading teaching
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