以Holland模型风场和CCMP背景风场相叠加构造台风风场,驱动第三代海浪模式SWAN对登陆福建的0908号台风"莫拉克"和1013号台风"鲇鱼"发生的台风浪过程进行数值模拟,并运用Jason-1卫星数据对模拟结果进行验证,结果显示模拟风速、有效波高值和卫星资料值吻合较好。在此基础上分析福建海域的台风浪时空分布特征和近岸三处海湾的波高变化过程,结果显示:台风过程中,最大风速和浪高值均位于台风移动中心右侧,风浪夹角与到台风中心的距离成正比且右侧夹角较小,左侧较大,台风中心对应着浪高的低值区,波高分布在海峡内外表现出较大的不对称性。"莫拉克"过程中,福建东北部海域出现10.8 m大浪,厦门湾、兴化湾、三沙湾内波高主要由风浪引起;"鲇鱼"过程中,福建南部海域出现9.2 m大浪,兴化湾、三沙湾内波高主要由风浪引起,厦门湾受到一定的南部海域涌浪的影响。
Based on the combination of Holland typhoon model and CCMP background wind field,the third generation wave model SWAN is used to simulate 0908 typhoon " Morakot " and 1013 typhoon " Megi " landed Fujian.Comparison of simulation results and Jason-1 satellite data indicate that the simulated waves are in good agreement with the satellite data.The time evolution and spatial characteristics of typhoon waves and the change of wave height about three coves in Fujian territorial waters are analyzed.The results show that the maximum significant and wind speed are both on the right of typhoon center,the angle between the wind and the waves is proportional to the distance to typhoon center and it is larger on the right than left,typhoon center corresponds to a low wave height area,wave height distribution in the inside and outside of the strait show greater asymmetry.During the " Morakot"period,the wave height reaches 10.8 m in the northeast of Fujian coast and the wave height is mainly caused by the wind in Xiamen, Xinhua, Sansha bay.During the " Megi" period, the wave height reaches 9.2 m in the south of Fujian coast,wave height is mainly caused by the wind in Sansha and Xinghua Bay, Xiamen Bay suffered some impact of the swell from the South sea area.
Port & Waterway Engineering