During the past ten years, China's food safety has become an issue of public concern. In Chinese so- ciety most small farmers and some urban food consumers have to adopt a self - protection food strategy. Focu- sing on this common phenomenon, this paper is dedicated to analyzing its causes and challenges. It predicts whether this bottom - up food self - protection can solve China's food safety crisis. Based on rich field research material, there are some preliminary findings. In terms of its causes, fundamentally, modern food and farming system results in the food safety crisis in China. Moreover, a lack of trust between people aggravates the scis- sion of food trust, in addition to failure of the Chinese government's top - down regulation and governance. We propose that small farmers have to strike a balance between food for money and food for life, in alliance with ur- ban consumers concerned with food safety, to join alternative food networks together with some scholars and practitioners. However, whether this self- protection strategy can resolve the crisis depends on its challenges. First is defending food sovereignty, especially crop seeds and baby livestock sovereignty. Second is cultivating numerous diffuse food consumers. Third is how to protect dispersed small farmers who preserve local food and farming traditions and knowledge. Fourth is the sustainability of the mutual trust alternative food network. The final challenge is whether the authorities will allow some space for self - protection.
Comparative Economic & Social Systems
Food Safety Crisis
Food Self- protection
Alternative Food Networks (AFNS)
Food Sovereignty