

Effect of surface roughness on density of porous pyrolytic carbon
摘要 以乙炔为碳源气体,采用化学气相沉积的方法,在不同表面粗糙度的基体上制备出疏松热解炭,利用图像法测定了疏松热解炭的密度,用场发射扫描电镜检测了疏松热解炭的微观结构,研究了基体表面粗糙度对疏松热解炭密度的影响。结果表明:疏松热解炭密度随着表面粗糙度的增大而增加;反应刚开始时,表面成核生长机制起主导作用,随着反应的进行,生长机制变成了气相成核沉积起主导作用。 The porous pyrolytic carbon was prepared by chemical vapor deposition on the samples with different surface roughness, using acetylene as carbon source. Density of porous pyrolytic carbon was measured by image analysis technique. The microstructure of porous pyrnlytic carbon was analyzed by SEM. The effect of surface roughness on density of porous pyrolytic carbon was studied. The results show that the density of porous pyrolytic carbon was increasing with increasing the surface roughness. At the beginning of the deposition reaction, surface nucleaction was the dominant effect. With the deposition reaction progressing, vapour nucleaction was the dominanl effect.
出处 《炭素技术》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第2期44-47,共4页 Carbon Techniques
关键词 表面粗糙度 疏松热解炭 化学气相沉积 微观结构 热力学 Surface roughness porous pyrolytic carbon ehemical vapour deposition(CVD) microstructure thermodynamics
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