目的研究神经内科脑卒中患者医院感染的发生情况并提出相应的改进措施。方法随机选取该院神经内科2015年6月—2016年6月收治的168例脑卒中确诊患者,将所有患者按照随机均分原则分为实验组与对照组,其中实验组84例患者的临床体征给予个体化诊疗,对照组84例患者给予常规诊疗,医护人员对所有患者的临床治疗过程进行跟踪,分析患者入院病历资料,探究导致患者发生院内感染的原因,并提出恰当可行的临床护理诊疗改进措施。结果 168例脑卒中患者有38例发生医院感染,其中有27例患者出现呼吸道感染,有11例患者发生胃肠道感染,实验组患者出现医院感染的发生率明显低于对照组(13.1%vs 32.1%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论神经内科脑卒中患者出现呼吸道感染以及胃肠道感染的几率较高,医护人员根据患者个体身体状况,制定可行的诊疗措施可有效降低医院感染率,提高患者入院诊疗效果。
Objective To research the occurrence of hospital infection for stroke patients in the department of neurology and put forwards the corresponding improvement measures. Methods 168 cases of stroke patients admitted and treated in our hospital from June 2015 to June 2016 were randomly selected and all patients were randomly divided into two groups with84 cases in each, the experimental group adopted the individual diagnosis and treatment, while the control group adopted the routine diagnosis and treatment, and the clinical treatment course was followed up by the medical staff, and the records of patients were analyzed, and the hospital infection causes were studied, and the feasible clinical nursing diagnosis and treatment improvement measures were put forwards. Results There were 38 cases with hospital infection and 27 cases with respiration tract infection, 11 cases with infection of gastrointestinal, and the incidence rate of hospital infection in the experimental group was obviously lower than that in the control group(13.1% vs 32.1%), and the difference had statistical significance(P〈0.05). Conclusion The probability of respiration tract infection and gastrointestinal infection is higher, and the medical staff should make the feasible diagnosis and treatment measures according to the physical condition of individuals thus effectively reducing the hospital infection rate and improve the admission and diagnosis and treatment effect of patients.
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Department of neurology
Hospital infection