
运用慕课提升高职人文素质教育调查研究 被引量:1

Study on improving humanistic quality education in higher vocational colleges with MOOC
摘要 将慕课引入到高职人文素质教育,运用混合式学习模式提升人才培养质量是高职教育改革的一种新方式。通过对415名参加慕课学习的高职生进行调查,运用因素分析法探索了影响慕课学习的因素。经过数据分析总结出了6方面的影响因素,分别是学习管理与支持、学习动机、学习交互、学习技术、网络技术、时间问题。针对分析结果,提出了利用慕课提供个性化的人文素质教育路径和指导,注重人文教育特性、改进教学模式,把"对话"作为人文素质教育灵魂等改革建议。 Introduced the MOOC for humanity quality education in vocational colleges. Applying blended learning mode to improve the quality of talents training is another way of higher vocational education reform.In this study, 415 of higher vocational students took part in the survey.The researcher then used factor analysis to examine the influencing factors of MOOC learning. Through data analysis, provided a summary of the impact of six factors: learning management and support, learning motivation, learning interaction, learning technology, network technology and time. According to the above-analyzed result, some suggestions were given to provide the personalized humanism quality education path and guidance; emphasis on human qualities of its own characteristics, improving the teaching mode; The "dialogue" as the key to humanity quality education.
作者 刘学伟
出处 《教学研究》 2017年第2期88-92,共5页 Research in Teaching
基金 山东省教学改革立项课题(2015613)
关键词 慕课 素质教育 高职 因素分析 MOOC quality education higher vocational education factor analysis
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