
进境东盟水果病害疫情分析及检疫监管对策 被引量:2

Analysis of disease information intercepted from fruits of Association of Southeast Asian Nations and countermeasures for quarantine supervision
摘要 随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的不断发展,越来越多的东盟水果进入我国,丰富了国内热带水果消费市场,也带来了水果病害的入侵风险。本文分析了2011~2015年我国从东盟输华水果中截获的真菌与细菌有害生物疫情,结果表明:截获的病菌中真菌有害生物占绝对的主导地位,其中检疫性真菌偶有截获。就全国口岸而言,截获病菌77 822种次,其中病原真菌占99.04%,病原细菌占0.96%;真菌截获种次排前三位的水果依次来自泰国、越南、菲律宾。就广东口岸(不含深圳、珠海)而言,尚未截获病原细菌,截获病原真菌共计15 136种次(其中检疫性真菌截获1种次);泰国、印度尼西亚和越南的水果占据截获病原真菌次数的前三位;泰国香蕉、龙眼、莲雾和番荔枝和越南火龙果携带病原真菌的风险较高;截获次数较多的病原真菌依次是胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)、白地霉(Geotrichum candidum)、匍枝根霉菌(Rhizopus stolonifer)、黏头孢属(Gliocephalis sp.)、小煤怠菌属(Meliola sp.)、可可球二孢菌(Botryodiplodia theobromae)等。根据上述结果,提出相应的检疫监管对策与建议,以期为口岸检疫提供参考,降低外来有害生物的入侵风险。 With the trade development of CAFTA (China and ASEAN Free Trade Area),more and more imported tropical fruits enriched domestic consumption market,but also brought plant diseases invasion risk. In this paper,the intercepted information of fungal and bacterial pathogens from ASEAN fruits at China ports from 2011 to 2015 was analyzed. The results showed that fungal pathogens are in absolute dominance among the intercepted fungal and bacterial pathogen,and quarantine fungus is occasionally in- tercepted. 77 822 times of pathogens were intercepted at ports throughout the country in China,with fun- gal and bacterial pathogens accounting for 99.04% and 0.96%,respectively. Thailand,Vietnam,the Philip- pines rank the top three countries as to the frequency of fungal pathogen intercepted from fruits. As far as Guangdong port (excluding Shenzhen and Zhuhai port) ,none of bacterial pathogens has been inter- cepted,while 15 136 frequency of fungal pathogens were intercepted,including one quarantine fungi. The most number of fungal pathogens intercepted from fruits were imported from Thailand,followed by In- donesia and Vietnam. The fruits of banana,longan,lotus mist and cherimoya from Thailand and pitaya form Vietnam carry a higher risk of fungal pathogens. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,followed by Geotrichum candidum,Rhizopus stolonifer,Gliocephalis sp.,Meliola sp. and Botryodiplodia theobromae are the most frequency fungal pathogens intercepted. Based on the above results,the corresponding quarantine supervision countermeasures and suggestions were put forward,in order to provide references for the port inspection and quarantine and to reduce the risk of harmful biological invasion.
作者 吕文刚 王卫芳 胡学难 奚国华 于璇 张永瑜 Lv Wengang Wang Weifang Hu Xuenan Xi Guo- hua Yu Xuan Zhang Yongyu(Guangzhou Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Guangzhou 510150,China Guangdong Key Laboratory of Import and Export Technical Measures of Animal,Plant and Food, Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center Guangxi Inspection and Quarantine Bureau Gaoming Inspection and Quarantine Bureau)
出处 《植物检疫》 北大核心 2017年第2期75-79,共5页 Plant Quarantine
基金 质检公益性科研专项(201410080)
关键词 东盟 水果病害 病原真菌 病害疫情分析 检疫监管 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) fruits disease fungal pathogens analysis of disease information intercepted quarantine supervision
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