目的探讨改良白膜法对制备浓缩血小板质量的影响。方法按照随机数字表法将已采集的60袋400 ml全血分为两组:改良白膜法制备浓缩血小板组(研究组)和富含血小板血浆法制备浓缩血小板组(对照组),每组30袋。分别记录两组制备出的浓缩血小板的p H值、红细胞混入量及血小板计数,并进行统计学分析。结果研究组改良白膜法制备出的浓缩血小板中血小板计数明显高于对照组富含血小板血浆法制备出的浓缩血小板(P<0.05);两组间浓缩血小板的p H值和红细胞混入量差异比均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论改良白膜法制备出的浓缩血小板在血小板计数方面明显高于富含血小板血浆法制备出的浓缩血小板,该方法制备出的浓缩血小板质量较富含血小板血浆法明显较好。
Objective To explore the effect of improved huffy coats method on quality of preparation of concentrated platelet. Methods According to the random number table method,60 bags of whole blood of 400 ml collected were allo- cated into two groups: preparation of concentrated platelet by improved buffy coats method (test group) and preparation of concentrated platelet by platelet- rich plasma method (control group) ,30 bags per group. The pH value, the count of red blood cells mixed and blood platelet count were recorded in the two groups, respectively, and were analyzed statisti- cally between the two groups. Results Blood platelet count in preparation of concentrated platelet by improved huffy coats method in test group was higher than (P 〈 0. 05 ) that in preparation of concentrated platelet by platelet - rich plasma method in control group. There was no statistical significance ( P 〉 O. 05) in the pH value and the count of red blood cells mixed in the two groups. Conclusion Blood platelet count in preparation of concentrated platelet by improved buffy coats method was higher than that in preparation of concentrated platelet by platelet - rich plasma method, and the qulity of prep- aration of concentrated platelet by improved buffy coats method is better than that by platelet - rich plasma method.
Journal of Medical Forum
Concentrated platelet
Improved huffy coats method
Platelet- rich plasma method