噬菌体表面呈现技术 (Phagedisplaytechnology)是近年来发展起来的新兴技术。目前将噬菌体表面呈现技术用于肿瘤 ,在肿瘤治疗方面取得了很大的进展 。
Progress In Microbiology and Immunology
1[1]Li J, Pereira S,Van Belle P, et al. Isolation of the Melanoma-Associated Antigen p23 Using Antibody Phage Display[J]. J Immunol 2001,166(1) :432-438.
2[2]Wang X, Luo W, Ferro S. Immunotherapy of melanoma: peptide mimics of a hmman high molecular weihgt-melanoma associated antigen. [J]. Medicina(B Aires)2000,2:48-50.
3[3]Ferrone S, Wang X. Active specific immunotherapy of malignant melanoma and peptied mimics of the human high-molecular-weight melanoma-associated antigen [ J ] Recent Results Cancer Res 2001,158:231-235.
4[4]Tordsson J, Lavasani S, Ohlsson L, et al. A3-a Novel Colon and Pancreatic Cancer reactive antiboday from a primate phage library selected using intact tumor cells [J ]. Int. J. Cancer 2000, 87 (4):559-568.
5[5]Romanov VI, Durand DB, Petrenko VA. Phage display selection of peptides that affect prostate carcinoma cells attachment and invasin[J]. Prostate 2001,47(4) :239-251.
6[6]Vitaliti A, Wittmer M, Steiner R, et al. Inhibition of tumor Angiogenesis by a Single-chain Antibody directed against vascular endothlial growth factor[J]. J Immunol Methods 2001,248(1-2):17-30.
7[7]Heitner T,Moor A,Marks C, et al. Selection of cell binding and internalizing epidermal growth factor receptor antibodies from a phage display library[J]. J Immunol Methods 2001,248(1-2): 17-30.
8[8]Pasqualini R, Koivunen E, Kain R, et al. Aminopeptidase N is a Receptor for tumor-homing peptides and a target for inhibiting angiogenesis[J]. Can Res 2000,60(3) :722-727.
9[9]Amold-Schild D,Hanau D,Spehner D, et al. Cutting edge:receptor-mediated endocytosis of heat stock proteins by professional antigen-presenting cells[J]. J Immunol 1999,162:3757-3760.
10[10]Wassenberg JJ, Dezfulian C, Niechitta CV. Receptor mediated and fluid phase pathways for internalization of the ER Hsp90 chaperone GRP94 in murine macrophages[J]. J Cell Sci 1999,112(pt3) :2167-2775.
3吕海,金大地,史占军,景宗森,郑燕芳,陈祥鋆.在骨肉瘤细胞上筛选噬菌体干扰素突变体及其临床意义[J].解放军医学杂志,2000,25(4):281-282. 被引量:4
4万一,张英起.噬菌体表面呈现技术在疫苗研制方面的应用[J].药物生物技术,2003,10(6):390-393. 被引量:2
5俞慕华,陈代雄,梁瑜,詹希美.噬菌体表面呈现技术及在抗寄生虫免疫中的应用[J].中国公共卫生,2000,16(9):844-846. 被引量:4
6苏伟,程静新.microRNA在宫颈癌诊治方面的应用与前景[J].肿瘤基础与临床,2014,27(1):75-78. 被引量:2
7王念,何威,王文君,刘迎节.AFLP分子标记在泡桐遗传育种中的应用与前景[J].安徽农业科学,2008,36(1):151-153. 被引量:5
8李华,辉朝茂,杨爱芝.DNA分子标记在竹类植物遗传多样性研究中的应用[J].世界竹藤通讯,2008,6(3):14-18. 被引量:4
9毕向军,杨冬华,李鹏,崔俊,覃汉荣,范子荣,周最明.特异性抗肝癌噬菌体单链抗体的应用研究[J].肿瘤,2001,21(3):169-171. 被引量:3
10舒新华.噬菌体表面呈现技术及其在疟疾免疫中的应用[J].国外医学(寄生虫病分册),1999,26(2):56-60. 被引量:1