采用电感耦合等离子质谱仪(ICP-MS)有机相进样系统直接进样测定其中的铜、铁含量,标准加入法定量。方法在0.0—100μg/L范围内线性良好,检出限达到Cu 0.001μg/L、Fe 0.030μg/L,11次连续测定RSD为Cu 1.42%、Fe 2.67%,加标回收率为Cu 95.96%、Fe 96.29%。本方法具有多元素同时测定,检出限低,准确度高,精密度好等优点,完全满足变性燃料乙醇实际样品的测试需要。
Cu, Fe in denatured fuel ethanol were determined by direct sample introduction with a special organic sample kit. The standard addition calibration curve based on organic solutions was transformed into the external standard calibration curve with the s&tware installed in the instrument, thus allowing the organic sample to be calibrated. The results showed good linearity in the range from 0.0-100 μg/L. The detection limit by this method was 0.001 μg/L, 0.030 μg/L for Cu and Fe respectively. The relative standard deviation was 1.42 % and 2.67 % for Cu and Fe respectively. The recovery was 95.96 %, 96.29 % for Cu and Fe respectively. This method has the characteristics of low detection limit, high accuracy and good precision, which is suitable to be used to measure Cu, Fe in denatured fuel ethanol.
Guangdong Chemical Industry