

Effect of broker price information mastering on resale housing bargaining efficiency:A study based on experimental economics
摘要 研究中介价格信息掌握对二手房议价效率的影响有助于提升中介服务质量,推动二手房市场的健康发展。该文基于实验经济学研究了中介价格信息掌握对二手房议价效率的影响。提出中介价格信息掌握程度的测算公式,从买方、卖方、中介及总体的角度确定二手房议价效率的评价方式,结合现实二手房市场特点,设计并实施二手房议价实验,利用实验数据对中介价格信息掌握程度和二手房议价效率之间的影响关系进行分析。研究结果表明:中介价格信息掌握程度对买方议价效率没有显著影响,提高中介价格信息掌握程度能够显著提升卖方议价效率、中介议价效率和总体议价效率;中介价格信息掌握程度每提高1%,将推动卖方议价效率、中介议价效率、总体议价效率分别上升2.27%、0.69%、0.73%。 Experimental economics was used to study the effect of broker price information mastering on resale housing bargaining efficiency. The formulae for broker price information mastering and resale housing bargaining efficiency were developed with experiments then run to study the relationship between the broker price information mastering and resale housing bargaining efficiency. The results show that the broker price information mastering has no significant impact on the buyer bargaining efficiency and that improving the broker price information mastering increases the seller's bargaining efficiency by 2.27%, the broker's bargaining efficiency by 0.69 % and the overall bargaining efficiency by 0.73 0%.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期421-425,431,共6页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71373143) 清华大学自主科研计划项目(2015THZ01)
关键词 价格信息掌握 二手房 议价效率 实验经济学 price information mastering resale housing bargaining efficiency experimental economics
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