Karate evolved from Ryukyu Tote. Japanese people named Gichin Funakoshi as the father of modern Karate. It is Gichin Funakoshi who first introduced Ryukyu Tote to Tokyo,while other contemporaries such as Chojun Miyagi, Kenwa Mabu- ni, etc. have also made contributions to the development of Karate. With the introduction of European and American competitive sports and active participations of university students,the Ryukyu Tote has rapidly become competitive. The supports of Jigoro Kano and the Kodokan’s demonstration have provided the example for the contemporary evolution of Ryukyu Tote. Marked by Gichin Funakoshi?s Karate Manual,Karate has basically established its organizational form, technical content, embryonic form and name by the year of 1936. Karate did not become a mature international sport until the 1950s.
Sports Science Research