目的:探讨术前B型钠尿肽(BNP)及和肽素(copeptin)浓度的变化与老年非心脏手术心血管事件的关系。方法:选取我院于2012年8月至2013年1月期间入院患者,依据术后患者是否发生心血管事件将患者分为两组,分析两组患者术前与术后BNP及copeptin浓度的变化情况。结果:BNP浓度大于100ng/m L对心脏事件具有诱发作用,发生心脏事件的患者血浆BNP浓度要显著高于未发生心脏事件的患者。血浆中copeptin浓度越高,诱发患者发生心脏事件的可能性越大,结果具有统计学意义。结论:术前BNP及copeptin浓度较正常值偏高的老年患者易发生非心脏手术心血管事件,对该类患者进行手术时应考虑相应风险性因素。
Objective: To investigate the relationship between the changes of type B natriuretic peptide( BNP) and peptide( copeptin) concentration and cardiovascular events in elderly patients with non cardiac surgery. Methods: From August 2012 to January 2013,patients with the occurrence of cardiovascular events were divided into two groups,and analyzed the changes of BNP and copeptin concentration patients of the two groups before and after surgery. Results: BNP concentration more than 100 ng/m L for cardiac events had a role in the occurrence of cardiac events in patients with plasma BNP,which concentrations were significantly higher than those who did not occur in patients with cardiac events. The higher the concentration of copeptin in plasma,the greater the possibility of the occurrence of cardiac events in patients,the results were statistically significant. Conclusion: Preoperative BNP and copeptin concentrations are higher than the normal value of the elderly patients with non cardiac surgery,cardiovascular events,the patients should be considered the corresponding risk factors.
Hebei Medicine