目的了解65岁以上城乡居民睑板腺功能障碍(Meibomian gland dysfunction,MGD)的患病率,分析其相关发病因素,探索MGD防治策略。方法对甘肃省定西市安定区永定路街道2015年65岁以上城乡居民进行眼科裂隙灯检查,观察睑板腺腺体分泌情况,观察睑脂黏度,行角膜荧光染色,观察泪膜破裂时间及角膜染色的情况。结果检出2 347例双眼MGD患者,MGD患病率为69.93%,其中轻度MGD患者1 745例(52.00%),中度MGD患者502例(14.96%),重度MGD患者100例(2.98%)。65岁以上农村居民MGD的患病率明显高于城区居民。结论永定路街道65岁以上城乡居民MGD患病率较高,城乡差别、合并眼表疾病是MGD的发病发展因素。MGD的社区防治重点是通过健康宣教,掌握MGD的自我保健技能,合理用药,规范治疗。
OBJECTIVE To understand Meibomian gland dysfunction(Meibomian gland dysfunction, MGD) prevalence of the urban andrural residents aged 65,analyze its related factors,explore the MGD prevention strategies. METHODS In the streets around theYongding Road in Dingxi Gansu Province in 2015,over 65 urban and rural residents in ophthalmic slit lamp examination,to ob-serve the meibomian gland secretion,observe the eyelid fat viscosity. Corneal fluorescence staining,observed-rupture time and cor-neal staining. RESULTS Among 2 347 patients with eyes MGD,the MGD prevalence was 69.93%,among them 1 745 patients withmild MGD(52.00%),moderate MGD 502(14.96%) patients,100 patients with severe MGD(2.98%). Over 65 rural residents and prev-alence of MGD was obviously higher than that of urban residents. CONCLUSION In Yongding in Street, 65 urban and rural residentsaged MGD prevalence was higher,the differences between town and country,merge the onset of ocular surface disease is MGD de-velopment factors. Community prevention and cure of MGD was highlighted by health education,grasp the MGD self-care skills,ra-tional drug use and standard treatment were very good to prevent severe MGD.
Chinese Primary Health Care
urban and rural residents
eibomian gland dysfunction
risk factors