

A review on the exhibition "A History of the World in 100 Objects" of the British Museum
摘要 大英博物馆“100件文物中的世界史”巡展,反映了人类历史发展历程中的文化交流,展现全球化与世界性的趋势.透 过对展品的选择、解读以及展览内容的对比等方面的观察,从中可以发现尽管仍残余西方中心主义和冷战思维的影响,但全球 化与世界性作为历史发展趋势的主流,不可阻挡. Abstract The tour of "A History of the World in 100 Objects" of the British Museum reflects the cultural exchanges in the course of the development of human history. Through the observation of the exhibits selection, interpretation and exhibition content and other aspects of the comparison, it can be found that although the impact is still residual Western Centrism and thinking of the cold war, but the globalization and cosmopolitism are the mainstream trend of historical development.
作者 王超
机构地区 中国文物报社
出处 《科学教育与博物馆》 2017年第2期140-145,共6页 Science Education and Museums
关键词 大英博物馆 全球化 世界性 文物 The British Museum, globalization, cosmopolitism, cultural relic
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