
青少年媒介素养教育的难点问题 被引量:1

On Difficult Problems of Media Literacy Education for Teenagers
摘要 提高我国青少年媒介素养水平,必须在深刻全面理解媒介素养教育目标前提下,抓住教育难点问题并予以解决。目前突出的难点问题包括:了解媒介是如何构建"真实"的,解决对媒介"真实"与客观现实的辨别问题;了解媒介的意识形态属性,解决对媒介传播中西方意识形态的抵抗力问题;认识媒介的商品化性质,解决媒介使用上的迷惑性问题;培养适当使用媒介的意识,解决限制使用与过度使用媒介问题;培养对媒介信息的批判意识,解决对负面信息的免疫力问题;提高对媒介传播多元文化的认识,解决传统文化弘扬传承问题;学会正确利用媒介的开放性,解决媒介利用中的社会责任感淡化问题。 In order to improve the level of media literacy of young people in China,we must grasp the difficult problems of education and solve them under the premise of understanding the goals of media literacy education.The prominent difficulties include:understand how the media construct the"real"to solve the problem of the identification of the"real"and the objective reality;understand the ideological attributes of the media to gain the resistance to the western ideology in media propaganda;understand the commercial nature of the media eliminate confusion in the use of media;cultivate the awareness of using the media properly to overcome underuse or overuse of media,develop the critical awareness of media information to gain the immunity of negative information,improve the multicultural awareness of media communication to carry forward the traditional culture,learn how to make use of the opening of the media correctly to solve the weakening of social responsibility.
作者 王言锋
机构地区 大连教育学院
出处 《大连教育学院学报》 2017年第1期21-24,共4页 Journal of Dalian Education University
基金 辽宁省教育科学"十三五"规划2016年度立项课题<基础教育阶段实施媒介素养教育策略研究>(JG16CB319)
关键词 青少年 媒介素养教育 难点 teenager media literacy education difficulty
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