The foundation of the success of exploration and development of North America marine shale gas is a rich understanding of reservoir characteristics from decades of experience, and the production breakthrough is mainly attributed to engineering technology research and development. Learn from North America successful experience, we studied the Triassic continental shale gas horizon of Yanchang formation by analyzing the sedimentary-tectonic setting, geological characteristics and exploration technology comprehensively, and come to a conclusion when comparing to the marine shale gas formation. In Yanchang exploration area, Chang7 and Chang9 strata are mainly deep lacustrine, shallow lacustrine and delta front deposits. The dark shale strata are widespread and the single shale gas bearing layer is thick with generally large amount of Type Ⅲ kerogen. The geochemical and geophysical parameters are similar or even better compared to other overseas shale gas hearing basins which are quite favorable for gas generation and accumulation. The shale gas from Chang7 and Chang9 strata is oil type gas with low maturity from pri- mary pyrolysis, because the kerogen is sapropelic. Therefore the shale have large absorption capacity which is favorable for different phases of shale gas to accumulate. However, the drilling and fracturing work is difficult because of complicated formation mechanical properties. Comparing to marine shale, continental shale has its own characteristic, and high development cost and low production is mainly because of the utilizing of shale gas is still in a early stage. We need to launch pilot projects aiming to promote the shale gas economical to finally realize the energy resources replacement.
Unconventional Oil & Gas
shale gas exploration
marine shale gas
continental shale gas
Ordos Basin
Triassic Yanchang formation