

Distribution and community characteristics of Glycine soja and Butomus umbellatus and countermeasures of in situ conservation
摘要 北京郊区湿地类型单一、受人为活动干扰较大,一些植物因此数量减少或分布区萎缩,成为濒危物种。通过对北京湿地野大豆和花蔺的分布特征和种间联接的分析,针对其就地保护工作提出一些可供参考的措施和建议。通过样带结合样方法,调查并记录样方内植物的种名、平均高度、盖度等,计算样方内野大豆和花蔺的重要值,以重要值为基础,对北京湿地2003—2005年和2007—2009年野大豆和花蔺的重要值变化进行比较及方差分析,分析其差异及显著性。通过联结系数AC法和卡方检验法对野大豆和花蔺群落进行种间联结的测定,分析这两个物种与群落中其他物种间的联结性。得出群落中蒙古蒿、三叶鬼针草等和野大豆为正联结,狼把草、鬼针草及浮萍与野大豆是负相关,泽泻、金鱼藻、马来眼子菜等与花蔺间为正联结,且关联程度较高的正联结物种在χ~2检验中均是极显著关联,表现出与χ~2检验一致性。得出北京湿地野大豆和花蔺面临诸多干扰威胁,如生长环境退化等,针对这些问题,提出改善水质、恢复退化湿地、加强伴生种的保护、控制竞争种的数量等可行性对策,以供参考。 Beijing suburbs wetlands are single and interfered greatly by human activities,thus some plants reduced or suffered distribution atrophy and would become endangered species. This article is based on the analysis about the distribution characteristics and interspecific association of the communities of Glycine soja and Butomus umbellatus in Beijing wetlands,putting forward some measures and suggestions about the situ ~ conservation activities as a reference combining transect method with sampling method in Beijing wetlands. The investigations and records of the plants in the quadrats included name,quantity,average height and coverage and so on. It calculates the important values of Glycine soja and Butomus umbellatus in the quadrats which are so important value as the basis. Then it made a comparison and variance analysis about the changes of the important values of Glycine soja and Butomus umbellatus in Beijing wetlands at 2003-2005 and 2007-2009 and analyzed the difference and significance between those different data. It made the measure about the interspecific association of the community of Glycine soja and Butomus umbellatus through the method of coupling coefficient AC and chi ~ square and analyzed the associativity between these two species and the other species in the community. The relation between the species like Mongolia Artemisia,sticktight and Glycine soja or Butomus umbellatus in the community was positive association while the the relation between the species like Bidens Tripartita,sticktight,duckweed and Glycine soja in the community was negative association. The relation between the species like Rhizoma alismatis,hornwort,Malay Pondweed and Butomus umbellatus in the community was positive association. The positive association species of the higher degree of correlation were highly significant correlation in the χ~2 test,showing the consistence with the χ~2 test. We got the conclusion that there are a lot of interferences and threats which the Glycine soja and Butomus umbellatus in Beijing wetlands facing such as the environmental degereration and so on. There are some feasible countermeasures such as improvement of water quality,recovery of degraded wetland,conservations of the auxiliary species and controlling the population of the competitive species put forward in the paper as references.
出处 《生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2017年第2期91-98,107,共9页 Journal of Biology
基金 北京林业大学科技创新计划项目(Yx2010-34)
关键词 野大豆 花蔺 群落 种间关联 就地保护 Glycine soja Butomus umbellatus community species association in situ conservation
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