3Barack Obama, U.S. President, Remarks by the President on Securing our Nationg Cyber Infrastructure ( May 29, 2009) , ht- tp ://www. whitehouse, gov/the-press-ffice/remarks-president-securingur-natins-cyber-infrastructure.
4Orin S. Kerr. Cybercrime's Scope: Interpreting Access and Authorization in Computer Misuse Statutes, NYU Law Review, Vol. 78, No. 5, 2003. 1620,1066.
5Susan W. Brenner. Is There Such a Thing as "Virtual Crime" '? California Criminal Law Review Volume 4, June 2001,22.
6Bert-Jaap Koops. Cybercrime Legislation in the Netherlands, Country report for the 18th International Congress on Comparative Law, Washington, DC, 25-31 July 2010, session ' Internet Crimes' :7,6.