
城乡结合部农业地域功能实现程度及变化趋势--以北京为例 被引量:22

Analysis on execution and change of regional function of agriculture in rural-urban fringe: A case study of Beijing
摘要 城乡结合部农业因其所处的独特区位而具有非常显著与多元的地域功能。基于构建城乡结合部农业地域功能评价指标体系,以北京为例测算了城乡结合部农业地域功能的实现程度。结果表明:近十年来,城乡结合部农业地域功能实现程度整体上呈现波动变化趋势,经历了下降—反弹—下降的变化过程。具体分析,受宏观经济、社会、技术等因素影响较显著的农业劳动生产率、收入等指标上升明显,生态建设成效较突出;而农产品生产与供给、满足城镇居民休闲与娱乐消费需求和拉动就业等方面的功能较为薄弱且持续下降,城乡结合部农业融入现代城市产业体系,促进城乡经济交流等方面的功能与现实需求也不相符。 Rural-urban fringe is an important part of urban and regional spatial structure in China. Zone location of rural-urban fringe, together with multi-functionality of agriculture, gives agriculture in rural-urban fringe distinct and diversified regional functions. Both production function and service function of agriculture in rural-urban fringe has made great contribution to urban and rural development, which is also helpful to overcome difficulties growing out of urbanization. This paper constructs an index system to calculate the execution of regional function of agriculture in rural-urban fringe. The result of Beijing case shows that in the last 10 years, the calculations fluctuate markedly, with an iterative process of decline-rally-decline. Specifically, indexes such as agricultural labor productivity and farmer income, which were obviously affected by macro-economic growth. At the same time, ecological construction has achieved great results. However, the functions of production and supply of agricultural production, the satisfaction of the consumer demand of leisure and recreation, and the contribution of expanding employment are relatively week. Moreover, the combination of agriculture in rural- urban fringe and modern urban industries does not consistent with the realistic demand. In the developing process of rural-urban fringe, economic benefits have usually been overemphasized and others neglected. Moreover, the deficiency of scientific planning, and the weakness of operation innovation of agriculture exacerbates the reduction of regional function of agriculture in rural-urban fringe. In Western countries, world cities have extensive agricultural spaces to promote ecological management and sustainable development, although industrial increase and urban sprawl needs a large amount of lands. In China, however, complete urbanization is still the coincident selection of most of cities in the process of rebuilding rural-urban fringe. Under the background of new-type urbanization, regional function of agriculture in rural-urban fringe should be enhanced.
作者 刘玉 冯健
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期673-683,共11页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41571160)
关键词 城乡结合部 地域功能 农业多功能 实现程度 变化趋势 rural-urban fringe regional function multi-functionality of agriculture execution change
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