Aleksandre Kazbegi1 in his works uses the rich folkloric material of mountain that is reformed and revised by thecreator's hand and represents the soul of mountaineers, characters and customs, their passion for personal andnational freedom. In the scientific literature consider that national legend "Sleeping" is the basis of the work"Khevisberi Gocha". Deep trace of traditional folklore is observed in the story "Elguja". It is important that themain characters of the work Elguja and SvimonChopikashvili are real persons. The writer presented immortal faceof GinjaKhuleli in the story, who was a ravine narrator. In the story recorded folk poems/scenes for custornare used,funeral rumor, and mourning with dead voice. The community is a strong defender of customs. Prosecution andreconciliation with sworn enemy is expressed in an interesting way. The community discussed the issue aboutElguja and SvimonChopikashvili and made a decision upon that. In the story the author describes the institute ofbrotherhood. The story has a political character.In the letters "Mokheves2 and their life" Aleksandre Kazbegi tellsabout the way of life of the mountaineers, their customs, which are afterwards generalized in his artistic works.