通省隧道2#通风竖井深度较大(308 m),本着以人为本、安全第一的原则采用反井施工方法进行导井开挖,扩挖、衬砌采用往复式同步作业方案,过程中根据反井施工的特点配合专门的超前地质预报活动,能够实现深大竖井快速施工的目的。但实际导井施工过程中,出现了国产反井钻机精度不够,进口钻机投资过大的瓶颈。最后,利用水源钻机和国产反井钻机组合的方法进行导井施工,308 m竖井导井作业51 d顺利完成。本文对组合施工中先导孔施工偏斜率控制、测量和纠正进行了阐述,并列出了反井扩孔和钻机替换的注意事项。
Given its depth (308m), the pilot shaft of Tongsheng Tunnel No. 2 ventilating shaft is excavated by raising-well drilling method and the tunnel is expanded and lined by reciprocating method alternatively, under the principles that people-oriented and that their security is the priority. During the whole process, based on the characteristics of raising-well drilling method, advanced method of geological prediction enables rapid construction of a deep and broad shaft. However in real practice of construction, there exist difficulties of low-level precision of homemade raise-boring drillers and excessive investment in imported drillers. Finally, the pilot shaft has been constructed within 51 days, making use of water-powered drillers and homemade raise-boring drillers. This thesis explains the control, measurement and rectification of deflection rate in the construction of pilot hole, and lists some announcements when using raise-boring drillers and expanding the hole alternatively.
Wang Binbin(China Railway 17^th Bureau Group 3^rd Engineering Co. Ltd. , Shijiazhuang Hebei 050081, China)
Railway Construction Technology