
冷战初期台湾当局对南海权益的维护及主权依据的阐释 被引量:2

Taiwan Authorities Maintaining the Rights of the South China Sea and Explanation of Sovereign Basis During the Early Cold War
摘要 冷战初期因海峡两岸政治对立,台湾当局在南海争端中处于特殊地位,面对与菲律宾、南越的"盟友"关系,以及美国在南海地区的存在,台湾当局的行为受到了一定程度的限制,但在一定程度上采用"外交"、军事、经济等手段维护民族权益,其积极作用值得肯定。在交涉过程中,台、菲均争取美国的支持。对于菲律宾、南越所持的"国际托管地""无主地"和"历史继承权"等说辞,台湾当局以历史依据为基础进行了有说服力的批驳,尽管还不系统、不全面,但开启了海峡两岸南海主权论述的先声。 During the early period of the Cold War, due to the political opposition on both sides of the strait and the special position Taiwan authorities had in the South China Sea dispute, Taiwan authorities, facing the "Al- lies" relations with the Philippines, South Vietnam, as well as the existence of the United States in the South China Sea area, adopted certain diplomatic, military and economic means to safeguard the national rights. Its behavior was limited to a certain extent, but its positive role is worth approving. In the process of negotiations, both Taiwan and Philippines tried to get support from the United States. Although the US government claimed not to involve in the position, it tended to support Taiwan authorities to a certain extent. As to the excuses such as "international trusteeship", "terra nullius", and "historical inheritance", etc. held by the Philippines and South Vietnam, Taiwan authorities strongly rebutted them on the basis of historical evidences. Although its re- buttal was neither systematic nor comprehensive, it opened the first sound of the South China Sea sovereignty ar- gument on both sides of the Taiwan straits.
作者 郭渊
出处 《南海学刊》 2017年第1期39-49,共11页 The Journal of South China Sea Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(14ZDB165) 2016年国家海洋局国际合作司研究项目 国家海洋局南海维权技术与应用重点实验室开放基金项目(1502)
关键词 台湾当局 南沙主权 克洛马事件 历史依据 Taiwan authorities Nansha sovereignty Cloma event historical basis
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