

A Study on the Encounters between French Catholicism and Iroquois Shamanism in the 17th and 18th Centuries
摘要 17—18世纪,在耶稣会向易洛魁联盟五部落传播基督教、对"归化村"的易洛魁人进行系统地宗教转化的过程中,基督教与易洛魁人的萨满教发生了碰撞。受法国殖民者与易洛魁人政治关系的影响,基督教在五部落中的传播时断时续,易洛魁人的酋长、族人和萨满对传教士和基督教产生不同的回应。在耶稣会和印第安人传统政治势力的影响下,归化村中的基督教和萨满教相互妥协,产生了兼具基督教和萨满教元素的"公开忏悔"仪式。 From the seventeenth century to the eighteenth century, Christianity encountered with Iroquois Shamanism when the Jesuit started their missionary work in the "Five Nations" of Iroquois Confederacy through their program to systematically and selectively convert the Iroquois. Affected by the political relationship between the French colonists and the Iroquois, Christian missionary work in the " Five Nations" was always intermittent. Iroquois leaders, tribes men and Shamans all responded to Christianity and to its missionaries in different ways. Under the influence of the Society of Jesus and the Iroquois Indian' s traditional political forces, Christianity and Shamanisrn in Kahnawake made compromises with each other in certain aspects, which resulted in the emergence of "hotouongannandi", encompassing elements from both Christianity and Shamanism.
作者 乔国存
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期91-99,共9页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目"西方新萨满教及其对中国的影响研究"(项目编号:11XZJ024)的阶段性成果
关键词 殖民时期 天主教 易洛魁人 萨满教 From the seventeenth century to the eighteenth century, Christianity encountered with Iroquois Shamanism when the Jesuit started their missionary work in the "Five Nations" of Iroquois Confederacy through their program to systematically and selectively convert the Iroquois. Affected by the political relationship between the French colonists and the Iroquois, Christian missionary work in the " Five Nations" was always intermittent. Iroquois leaders, tribes men and Shamans all responded to Christianity and to its missionaries in different ways. Under the influence of the Society of Jesus and the Iroquois Indian' s traditional political forces, Christianity and Shamanisrn in Kahnawake made compromises with each other in certain aspects, which resulted in the emergence of "hotouongannandi", encompassing elements from both Christianity and Shamanism.
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